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The text of the speech by Honorable Acting Iranian Foreign Minister H.E. Ali Bagheri at the BRICS foreign ministerial meeting in Nizhny Novgorod Ru
I am grateful to the government and people of the friendly and neighboring country of the Russian Federation for warmly hosting the delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful   Dear Mr. Sergey Lavrov; The Honorable Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation; The Honorable Foreign Ministers of BRICS member states; Ladies and gentlemen;  I am very pleased that today I am present at the meeting of BRICS foreign ministers in the beautiful city of Nizhny Novgorod. I am grateful to the government and people of the friendly and neighboring country of the Russian Federation for warmly hosting the delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran. I take this opportunity to express gratitude to the leaders and people of BRICS member states - who expressed their sympathies on the occasion of the martyrdom of the beloved president and diligent foreign minister of my country, by sending messages of condolences and attending the memorial ceremony and I appreciate that you started the event today with their memory.   Dear chairman and honorable colleagues; This summit is the first meeting of BRICS foreign ministers since its expansion. The joining of new members from January 1, 2024 is a clear sign of the growing power of the group and its shining role in solving urgent issues in the world. The expansion of BRICS has been a turning point, whose effects can certainly be seen in the not-so-distant future, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as a new member has been actively and innovatively present in all its events and programs in all three political-security, economic-financial and cultural-popular pillars, and it believes that with the collective will and by prioritizing the programs, common demands and needs in all the three pillars, especially in the economic-financial one, the success of BRICS can be guaranteed and its goals can be advanced more quickly. BRICS has the largest population, is the largest economy and the largest territory on the earth. Therefore, it must be the voice of the majority of the people in the world who want to achieve the place they deserve and prefer a fairer, more democratic and multilateral world over the current chaotic world.  BRICS has now become a new symbol and a successful model of “new cooperation” and “coalition of high-speed economies” and has proven that it has a plan, initiative and multifaceted programs to reform “global governance” and play a greater role in international scenes. This is exactly why the countries that seek to join BRICS or cooperate with it in the form of partners, friends, colleagues or BRICS+ countries are increasing by the day and we will see a number of them in tomorrow's summit.  Ladies and gentlemen; In the current political literature in the world, BRICS countries are referred to as "emerging" countries or "southern" countries, while it should be admitted that these countries are not emerging in any way and they are all among the countries that have a history of shining, ancient and lasting civilizations and are resolute to restore the place they deserve in the world system and reorganize the earth as a safe and green place for a better life and coexistence of nations. BRICS is the largest group with a global scope in all continents and oceans. It has been expanded from the east to the west and from the north to the south of the world, and undermining it with western-based terms such as "southern", "eastern" or "emerging" is not compatible with its global goals. Therefore, I prefer not to use terms such as southern, eastern or emerging for BRICS as much as possible and instead use other terms such as "propelling" and "rapid" economies and similar terms. The current interconnected world is obviously facing many mega-challenges that have affected global peace, security and development, and finally the daily life of human beings, and have associated the life of mankind with pain and suffering. Unilateralism, nationalist supremacy, genocide, imposing sanctions, blockades and other unilateral and completely illegal forceful measures have made creation and enhancement of new institutions and structures alongside the existing inefficient incumbent systems.  The performance of unjust and undemocratic structures ruling the current world has proven that these structures do not have the power and will to resolve problems and change the chaotic situation of the world. With the big goals it has drawn to reform unjust systems, BRICS has turned into a new approach that can be the core and propeller of change to build a better world. BRICS has become a successful symbol for changing and making the world order fairer and more just in the eyes of the countries and the minds of the world. Mr. President, esteemed ministers; One of the most significant roles of BRICS, which deserves to be prioritized and put into use in the near future is the reform of financial systems that has been based on Bretton Woods, which always acts as an obstacle to the development and progress of independent and developing countries. Unfortunately, the US uses the countries’ dependence on the dollar as a weapon, and this, along with imposing illegitimate sanctions, creating banking restrictions, inequality in decision-making in international financial institutions, lack of consensus in these institutions and structures, has proven that these extremely unfair systems must be reformed and disposed of. Therefore, we believe that BRICS should accelerate its measures to carry out transactions in national currencies, use digital currencies, launch joint banking platforms and messengers, reinsurance, establish new financial-banking structures, etc.  Neutralizing illegal, unilateral and oppressive sanctions against member states to establish lasting security in the world requires the cooperation between BRICS members in various fields, especially in the fields of finance, trade, investment, transportation, energy, technology and innovation. BRICS can fight against negative factors by designing collective coping structures and mechanisms. Therefore, we believe that consensus is vital and significant in designing collective countermeasures against embargos in this organization’s format.  Ladies and gentlemen; Today, the human society is facing a major crisis that has put the peace and stability in the region and the world at risk and has become a criterion for measuring the correctness and incorrectness of humanitarian slogans. Months have passed since the start of the Zionist regime's crimes and genocide against the people in Gaza and Rafah in occupied Palestine, and the world is witnessing the ghastly scenes of genocide and forced displacement. The wave of popular protests against the crimes of the Zionists across the world is a sign that the West, in its unwavering support to the Zionist regime, is putting all human being’s achievements in regression. By holding an extraordinary summit on Gaza and the recent meeting of the deputy foreign ministers of West Asia and North Africa, BRICS proved it wants more effective responses to the challenges and threats posed against the international and regional security and stability. What is happening in Gaza and Rafah these days clearly indicates the unfairness of the Western international system. The Zionist regime and its supporters have not only breached humanity, morality and international law, but are seeking to deceive the public opinion in the world and replace the oppressor and the oppressed by suppressing credible media information and disseminating false information. The continuation of this situation will undoubtedly put the global peace and security at risk, and an urgent move to resolve it is indispensable.  We believe that peace, stability and complete and true security in the Middle East will not be restored as long as the two issues of “complete removal of the occupation” and “nuclear disarmament” on the part of the Zionist regime are not achieved. We have proposed two initiatives in this regard; firstly, the plan for a “National Referendum in the Palestinian Territory" with the participation of the real residents of Palestine, including Muslims, Christians and Jews, to determine their own fate and the future political system of Palestine; and secondly, the initiative of "a nuclear weapons-free and mass murder-free Middle East .”  The Islamic Republic of Iran is adamant and transparent in the path of consolidating regional stability, and within this framework, it proved its truthful promise and legitimate move in response to the Zionists' aggression on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, and will not allow the stability and security in the region to be disturbed by the aggressors. The policy of developing and consolidating constructive ties based on the neighboring and regional countries’ mutual interests has been highlighted as the Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategic will and will continue. Within this framework, we are making efforts to resolve regional issues through consultation and talks with the participation of all regional countries. The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the recent move by three European countries in a recent meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Board of Governors as tension-creating and the continuation of the Western countries’ failed and passive policies and an attempt to abuse specialized international mechanisms for political purposes and against independent countries. We continue to cooperate with the agency within the framework of our rights and commitments under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Safeguard Agreement. Issuing the resolution will not have any effect on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s determination to continue peaceful use of nuclear energy and to make its nuclear development plans operational. Dear Mr. President and Foreign Ministers; In conclusion, I would like to thank you and our colleagues in the Russian Federation for organizing this meeting. I also wish bountiful results for this meeting and more success for all dear colleagues from the ten countries participating in the meeting.   Thank you for your attention.
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